
Recorded Species in Canada
Unrecorded Species in Canada
Recorded Species in the World
Unrecorded Species in the World
Animals. Classification follows Zhang (2013a, 2013b) except as noted.
Phyla Recorded Species in Canada Unrecorded Species in Canada Recorded Species in the World Unrecorded Species in the World
Ctenophora 13 40 187 Unknown
Porifera 490 480 8,659 Unknown
Placozoa None Unknown 3 Unknown
Cnidaria 605 335 12,628 Unknown
Xenacoelomorpha 12 Unknown 545 Unknown
Orthonectida None Unknown 25 Unknown
Dicyemida None Unknown 122 Unknown
Chordata 2,147 646 68,295 Unknown
Echinodermata 382 250 7,550 Unknown
Hemichordata 16 14 103 Unknown

Displaying Phyla 1-10
1 2 3 4 »


  • Zhang Z-Q (2013a) Animal biodiversity: an update of classification and diversity in 2013. In: Zhang, Z-Q (Ed.) Animal biodiversity: an outline of higher-level classification and survey of taxonomic richness (Adenda 2013). Zootaxa 3703: 1-82.

Latest Revisions

  • 17-Dec-2021 @ 3:46 PM: Greg Pohl